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SCA Bocce Club

Bocce Tournament Picture

Love people and the outdoors? Bocce is the perfect game for you! It's 90% socializing and 10% friendly competition. The best part? Anyone can play, no matter your athletic ability. The goal is simple: roll a 3-pound ball as close as possible to the small white pallino. Join our club for Spring and Fall leagues, Monday through Thursday, and compete in our end-of-season tournaments.

Mission Statement:

The Bocce Club is dedicated to promoting the game of bocce to all Association members in order to enhance their social and physical well being. The promotion of bocce will be done without regard to race, age, or ethnic background.

2 x 2 Tournament starts February 28 - Time to Sign Up

Come join us for the 2 x 2 tournament starting on Feb 28th and will run for 3 weeks ending on March 14th. and the second tournament will be in May.

Time: 5:00 pm to 8 pm

Cost: $2 per Player each week

 Each week half of the collected money will be awarded to the winning team and the other half of the money will be returned to the club for a social event.

All interested players will need to enroll on the club website.  Go to "Events" on the toolbar and then select "Calendar", then click on the date of the 2 x 2 tournament you are interested in.  At the bottom of the page hit the "Enroll" button....that's it!  Please call Katrina if you have any problems with signing up at 256-962-2065.

You will enroll as individual players.

 Enrollment is for Bocce Club Members Only.

See you on the courts!

2025 Spring League & Sub Registration & Membership Renewal

Spring League Registration Now Open!

Dates: March 17th - May 23rd, 2025

Registration Deadline: March 7th - (registration form attached)

Important Information:

  • Optional 5th Player:
    • Teams will play with 4 players.
    • A 5th player may be added as a substitute.
    • The 5th player must play at least 2 games during the season.
    • 5th players cannot sub for another team on their team's scheduled game day.
  • Membership Renewal:
    • Membership renewal forms are attached.
    • All team members must have paid their membership fees before registering for league play.
  • Questions about Spring League: Contact Marti Morris, League Coordinator (phone number and email on registration form).

Let's have another fantastic season!

Welcome to SCA Bocce 2025

On Behalf of SCA Bocce Club Board of Directors, we would like to welcome all of you to Bocce 2025. 

2025 Board of Directors:




PresidentKatrina Heath 
Vice-PresidentRandy Peters 
SecretaryPatty Hatch 
TreasurerJan Stahl

Members at Large:

Coordinator:Marti Morris
ScorekeeperPaul Fass
Social Coordinator (not at-large)Theresa Gaudet
Rules CoordinatorLynette Webber
Court MaintenanceBrian Leslie


The open recreational play on Saturdays at the Anthem Courts is year-round play for members and non-members of the Club. This is a relaxed atmosphere for all members  to practice their skills and for potential new members to learn the game and meet new friends. Any Saturday just show up at 9AM from May - Sept (10AM from Oct - April) and you will be put on a team to play a couple of fun games with relaxed rules. 

For those new to bocce, if you come to a Saturday recreational session, we will have one of our more experienced members work with you and give you a basic orientation to the game of bocce.