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2024 SCA Bocce Club Annual Membership & Election Meeting

2024 SCA Bocce Club Annual Membership & Election Meeting

2024 Sun City Anthem Bocce Club’s General Membership and Election Meeting.  The Membership Meeting will be held immediately following the Club Leaders Meeting at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, November 13 in the Arlington Room at Anthem Center. 

The first item of business at the Membership Meeting will be to elect the Club’s officers and directors for 2025.  Nominations are now closed and may not be accepted from the floor.  Voting will be done by a show of hands and the Election Manager will record the results.

Upon completion of the election there may be announcements by Club Leaders, that will be followed by an open floor for questions from members.  This is the time to present your ideas and concerns to your club leadership team!  Many good ideas are mentioned through the year on the courts, but this is where they can have an impact!

All paid members are welcome to attend any monthly Club Leaders Meeting, but this annual meeting needs your vote and your concerns and ideas.

Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closes Nov 13, 2024 06:30pm
Attendee: 1
Board Member: 1 (Full)
Warren Prevosto